java 형변환 모음
JAVA / 2011. 4. 6. 13:33
[TextView to Double]
TextView xDoubleA = Double.parseDouble(xViewA.getText());
** xViewA 값은 무조건 숫자형식이여야함. 아닌경우 Exception이 발생.
[int to String]
TextView xDoubleA = Double.parseDouble(xViewA.getText());
** xViewA 값은 무조건 숫자형식이여야함. 아닌경우 Exception이 발생.
[int to String]
String str = Float.toString(f);
[String to Double]
double d = Double.valueOf(str).doubleValue();
[String to Long]
long l = Long.valueOf(str).longValue();long l = Long.parseLong(str);
[String to Float]
float f = Float.valueOf(str).floatValue();
[Decimal to Binary]
String binstr = Integer.toBinaryString(i);
[Decimal to Hexadecimal]
String hexstr = Integer.toString(i, 16);String hexstr = Integer.toHexString(i);Integer.toHexString( 0x10000 | i).substring(1).toUpperCase());
hexadecimal(String) to int
int i = Integer.valueOf("B8DA3", 16).intValue();int i = Integer.parseInt("B8DA3", 16);
[ASCII Code to String]
String char = new Character((char)i).toString();
[Integer to ASCII Code]
int i = (int) c;
[Integer to Boolean]
[String to Double]
double d = Double.valueOf(str).doubleValue();
[String to Long]
long l = Long.valueOf(str).longValue();long l = Long.parseLong(str);
[String to Float]
float f = Float.valueOf(str).floatValue();
[Decimal to Binary]
String binstr = Integer.toBinaryString(i);
[Decimal to Hexadecimal]
String hexstr = Integer.toString(i, 16);String hexstr = Integer.toHexString(i);Integer.toHexString( 0x10000 | i).substring(1).toUpperCase());
hexadecimal(String) to int
int i = Integer.valueOf("B8DA3", 16).intValue();int i = Integer.parseInt("B8DA3", 16);
[ASCII Code to String]
String char = new Character((char)i).toString();
[Integer to ASCII Code]
int i = (int) c;
[Integer to Boolean]
boolean b = (i != 0);
[Boolean to Integer]
int i = (b)? 1 : 0;
[Boolean to string]
boolean theValue = true;
//boolean to String conversion
String theValueAsString = new Boolean(theValue).toString();
[Boolean to Integer]
int i = (b)? 1 : 0;
[Boolean to string]
boolean theValue = true;
//boolean to String conversion
String theValueAsString = new Boolean(theValue).toString();
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[String to Int]
int i = Integer.parseInt(str);int i = Integer.valueOf(str).intValue();
[Double to String]
String str = Double.toString(d);
[Long to String]
String str = Long.toString(l);
[Float to String]